100% satisfaction guarantee

If our product does not meet your expectations, you can return the goods to us as a package within 4 weeks (28 days) from the date of dispatch. In addition to the goods, please enclose the relevant invoice and a short covering letter stating your reasons in the prepaid parcel.

Within 7 working days of receipt of the parcel, we will refund the price you paid using the payment details you provided at the time of purchase - provided the goods are returned to us in perfect condition and without any damage. The risk of any damage during the return shipment is borne by you as the sender.

The 100% satisfaction guarantee only applies to orders from EU countries. Your rights under the statutory warranty and the statutory right of withdrawal are not affected or restricted by this.

These products are not covered by the 100% satisfaction guarantee: Sternenlotos Master Salt, Sternenlotos Master Mushrooms, Sternenlotos Essences, Sternenlotos STARSEEED.

Return address as part of the 100% satisfaction guarantee:

Brandlweg 2
6020 Innsbruck