Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home
Sternenlotos Sweet Home

Sternenlotos Sweet Home

Normal price £748.00 **
including value added tax plus shipping costs

166 in stock

Sternenlotos Sweet Home - Vital Energy for a Lifetime

Any disturbing frequencies in the house are touched with Sternenlotos energy and transformed into life-supporting vital vibrations. A life in a healthy, harmonious environment in which you can fully develop your own life force - for a lifetime.

The Sternenlotos Energy Technology

Just as a star burn out as soon as it has no more material to fuse, our life energy also goes out if we do not have enough light and love in our system. How much light and love we can take in and store depends on the load our body and the whole energy system has to carry, how loaded the rooms are in which we live and work and how the ground vibrates on which we are.

Everything has its justification to be

This also applies to all influences such as e-smog, 5G, etc., which the current technical development in the world brings with it. If not used correctly, they influence our natural, healthy field and the spaces in which we live. These frequencies empty our energy tank unnoticed, distort the cell information in our body and lower the vital vibration of our living spaces.

Properly used, they become an ingredient in creating a healthy vital field. They provide the fuel that programs everything into healthy, life-affirming and developmental fields through Sternenlotos energy technology.

New consciousness only develops in energetically supportive and highly vibrating spaces. Thus, in times of upheaval, which always serve solely our development of consciousness, it is essential to create light-filled and loving spaces. This possibility is offered by the Sternenlotos energy technology of Bloooming Life.

Through Sternenlotos energy technology, all disturbing influences are caught, converted into life energy and returned to the space and the body. Interference fields in the earth are also dissolved. Everything that previously prevented or caused illness becomes a healthy source of energy itself.

Light-filled, healthy spaces are created in which we feel good, regenerate better and develop easily and naturally.

Only when people evolve, the world evolves.


Application and installation:


Step 1: Attach the Sternenlotos panels inside in the corners of the respective exterior walls of your home (see also the enclosed installation video): Right corner exterior wall west, right corner exterior wall south, right corner exterior wall east, right corner exterior wall north.

You can attach the Sternenlotos panels to any height and surface - e.g. also to the wiping strip on the floor, on the tiles in the bathroom or on the window frame.

Please note that depending on the size of your home, different numbers of Sternenlotos Panels are required for full vitalisation (see product selection above). For larger rooms, Sternenlotos Panels are first placed on the 4 outer walls (indoors), then in the middle of the longest wall sections with a maximum distance of 8 - 10 metres to the other Sternenlotos Panels.

Do you have any questions? Then feel free to call us at any time: +43 (0) 512 55 99 99.

Important notes on step 1:

The area specifications in the above offer (e.g. up to 90 m2) refer to one floor in each case. Example: If a detached house consists of 2 floors of 90 and 74 m2 respectively, 2 Sternenlotos Sweet Home Packages "up to 90 m2" or one Package "up to 200 m2" are necessary for the complete vitalisation of both floors.

For optimal effect, the Sternenlotos panels do not necessarily have to be glued on. You can also put them down or lay them down, the function is neither weakened nor strengthened by this.

The double-sided adhesive tape on the back of the Sternenlotos board is very adhesive and can easily damage wall paint or wallpaper when removed. If you are not sure whether the surface will withstand the adhesive tape, we recommend that you first place the Sternenlotos panels on the walls or find an alternative place in the immediate vicinity.

Step 2: After the initial installation, pick up the phone and call us at this number: +43 (0) 512 55 99 99 or send us an email on [email protected]. We are always available to answer any questions you may have and will gladly help you with the installation.

After installation, we will be happy to perform a radiesthesic test to determine whether your rooms are fully vitalised. So that you can enjoy the Sternenlotos energy in your home with a good and safe feeling :)



If you want custom programming for your home and yourself, contact us directly at any time: [email protected] or +43 (0) 512 55 99 99. You will be amazed what is possible.

Satisfaction Guarantee

So much life force is in the Sternenlotos

What users say

I live right next to a mobile phone transmitter mast. My family and I never really slept well and I often felt really dizzy. Since we installed the Sweet Home living space vitalisation, I notice that I am calmer inside. I often really look forward to coming home. It just feels more harmonious now.

Stefan, Asten (Austria)

I have had the Sweet Home Sternenlotos installed for two weeks now. You can immediately feel a change in the energy in the house. I feel very calm, clear and in balance. I am thrilled that something like this is possible.

Christine, Stuttgart (Germany)

I live in an industrial area and as if one wasn't enough, they've put up two 5G transmission masts right in my neighbourhood. Since I installed the Sweet Home I am much, much less exhausted. My vitality and energy levels have noticeably increased. The rooms are clearer and calmer and so is my mind. That's what my visitors say too, by the way.

Mona, Ötztal-Bahnhof (Austria)